Friday, March 19, 2010

Well, on the political side of me . . . here we are with the "health care" or "health insurance" reform bill in front of us. The designated terminology of the day keeps changing, sometimes too fast to keep up with.

The legislation is not really in front of us, but it SHOULD be. Our representatives are not representing us and we must keep their feet to the fire! Some are so brazen as to not even care if they get reelected. Serving should not be a career. We need term limits, no pension plan, etc. for our elected officials but, of course that will never happen because who is going to vote themselves a pay cut - except a true patriot. I'm not sure there are any left in either the House or the Senate and there is for darn sure not one in the White House!

Besides power, what is up with this? That has to be the ONLY thing these commies are thinking of. They have to realize, however, that they are voting for this piece of trash legislation and counting on a "place at the table" in exchange for their vote. You know the place at the table that I'm talking about . . . the one described in Animal Farm . . . "all animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others." They are counting on being the "more equal" animals, but, like I said, there are only so many places at that table.

All the rest of us are the ones who have to share the wealth - not only with each other but them too! I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed that in communist countries (like Cuba) not EVERYONE is equal - not EVERYONE has the same size house, same amount of food, same amount of clothes, etc. Gee, how does that work? Communism/Socialism is good for YOU, but not ME. You bet! And some of these elected officials are going to be the YOU, but they just don't know it yet.

Biting fingernails and waiting . . .

SOOOOO . . . now that Obamacare is here - hopefully not to stay - we find the terminology changing once again. Now, the penalty for NOT having insurance is a TAX because you can't sue over a TAX until you've paid it??!! More truths have come out, of course, and we can only hope that November brings us the REAL CHANGE. Vote 'em all out! Don't wait for Trent Lott and his minions to "get their thinking right." By "right" he, of course, does not mean "conservative," he means "like the rest of us ruling class in Washington." Get rid of the whole lot of them and let's start over.